Project: RedditorChat

9 February 2025

To learn some new technologies, I've created RedditorChat, which allows you to input a Reddit username and then chat with an LLM instructed to act like that user.

The frontend is Next.js and Tailwind CSS, hosted on Vercel. The package manager is npm.

The backend is Express.js and Serverless (the framework) connected to my AWS account. The AWS resources are two API Gateway POSTs connected to one Lambda. The package manager is also npm.

The backend uses the OpenAI Completions API for the LLM and the Reddit API to get a redditor's recent comments. The code exists at this github repo of mine. You'll need to put these keys and the AWS access keys (for Serverless) into a .env in backend/, and the API gateway key (generated when you run "serverless deploy") into it's on .env in frontend/.

I used Cursor for the development, which was a great experience. Hoping to share more projects in the near future!

Try it out.